07 07 2022

Today, I had radio visitors. Deutschlandfunk and fellow public art artists radioconnection conducted interviews to be broadcast next week (Deutschlandfunk Kultur) and beyond (radioconnection). Thank you Ricarda for helping out with the projector and display issues: tomorrow is the final day. Speeches and presentations. The rain kept me and most of everyone else indoors

Friday 17 06 2022

First week has rushed by, making plenty of new aquaintances (kids mostly). Recorded playing the public furniture, playground features (slide, play house) and lampposts in the shelter. Some have a beautiful sonic quality. I wonder whether a participatory work is necessarily a productive way forward. Tagesspiegel photographer arrives in the afternoon, taking amongst others, images […]

Welcome Jorn Ebner

Auftakt in kleiner Runde. Es ist sommerlich, auch die Heimleitung will möglichst schnell ins Wochenende… Berlin quillt über an kulturellen Angeboten. Dennoch ein herzlicher Empfang. Die Kinder wie gewohnt wenig kontaktscheu. Von den Erwachsenen verfolgt so mancher lieber aus sicherer Entferung oder im Vorbeigehen das Treiben um den gelben Wagen. Die beiden Dolmetscher geben ihr […]