The four weeks are over and I have left the refugee housing and Buch. It was quite emotional to leave, and now almost a week later I feel still as emotional about it. It was also the first and kind of ”main” reason for me coming here (and also for visiting the refugee camps in […]
Goodbye Pascal

Die Abschlussveranstaltung war so herzlich wie die Begrüßung! Neugierde und große Wertschätzung gesehen worden zu sein brachten Bewohner der Unterkunft dem Künstler Pascal Mayet entgegen. Sie werde das gelbe Ding vor der Haustür vermissen, sagte eine Bewohnerin zum Abschied. Dort saß Pascal jeden Tag auf seiner Plattform und zeichnete das Panorama das ihn umgab. Details, die […]
The finissage went really well and felt like a great ending on my stay, even though I must say it’s going to feel a bit strange to leave tomorrow. It was also really nice to share my drawings with the residents, seeing them looking and exploring the space I’ve drawn, with all people and objects […]
Finished drawing
I finished my last drawings today, incredible that it’s already been 4 weeks! I look forward to sharing my drawings with the residents tomorrow, and also hope I haven’t blown up the children’s expectations too much, while keeping my drawings out of sight for all these weeks.. (Can you see the crows? I am happy […]
In preperation
I realized that I didn’t have a plan B, if my idea of presenting the drawings through the double pane windows wouldn’t work (for a number of reasons), so I made some experiments and was trying out different ways of hanging the drawings. In the end I left a drawing hanging to see if it […]
I’m drawing, writing and talking to residents throughout most of the days, and day by day I get to know both the space and its residents better. I’m as well beginning to grasp the extent of my blind spot and my relatively limited outlook here on the square/plaza, visiting, for four weeks… But with that […]
Warm welcome

What an incredible welcome I’ve gotten, and I am very happy to be here. Both the staff and the residents have been so warm and welcoming. The days have just flown by and have been filled with many good talks and encounters, and I have even been offered and given dinner 4 times (!). I […]
Welcome Pascal Mayet

Bei aller Schwüle ein sehr herzlicher Empfang von Seiten der Unterkunft! With all the heat and humidity, it was a very warm welcome from the refugee accommodation!
9th Artist in Residence
PASCAL MAYET Begrüßung / Welcome: Fr. 19.8.22 um 17.00 / 5 pm, Ort / Location: Modulare Unterkunft für Flüchtlinge Wolfgang-Heinz-Straße 45, 13125 Berlin Projekt Präsentation / Artist Talk: Fr. 16.9.22 um 17.00 / 5 pm, Ort / Location: Modulare Unterkunft für Flüchtlinge Wolfgang-Heinz-Straße 45, 13125 Berlin